*This information was taken directly from the Summit County website and though we will be updating this page frequently, you can visit their site for the most current updates
Summit County Short Term Rental Regulations
Summit County is currently working to develop regulations for short term rentals (STRs), which will be applicable to properties within the unincorporated areas of Summit County. The scope of this project includes establishing STR regulations that address:
Permitting and fees
Regulation of key neighborhood impacts (e.g., parking and trash)
Regulation of life safety issues (e.g., smoke and carbon monoxide detectors)
An effective compliance-monitoring and enforcement system.
Any STR regulations adopted through this process will not apply to properties located inside the boundaries of incorporated towns.
At this time, we are not considering any limitations on the number of STR units within the unincorporated areas of Summit County.
The key steps in this process include: Gather research and data to define the scope of STR activity to be regulated. Gather community and stakeholder input to inform development of regulations. Draft and adopt STR regulations, an STR permitting process and fee structure, and a
third-party compliance monitoring and enforcement system.
Draft Documents
Draft regulations: STR regulations will primarily be written as a new Section 3821 in the County Land Use and Development Code. View the current working draft regulations, and zoning table
Draft permitting guide: STR operators will be required to apply for a permit prior to operating an STR. View the draft permit application.
Share Your Input and Stay Informed
Sign up for the STR project blog to receive project updates as the County moves forward with developing and adopting STR regulations.
Provide feedback on the draft STR regulations by filling out our feedback form.
General questions or comments can be emailed to STR@SummitCountyco.gov.
Project Timeline
The planning process began in May 2018, and the anticipated project timeline is below. For project status updates, visit the STR Blog.
Task 1: May-August 2018
Gather information and community input.
Community Input Survey - June
A community input survey was created and was open to the community throughout the month of June. We received 477 survey responses, which we are now using to help inform development of draft STR regulations.
Focus Group Meetings – July-August
Focus group meetings were held to gather input on the draft regulations from various stakeholder perspectives (e.g., STR unit owners, STR neighbors, property managers, real estate agents).
Task 2: July-September 2018
Draft STR regulations, proposed permitting process and fee structure, and compliance monitoring and enforcement system.
Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Work Session: 1 p.m., Tuesday, July 31, Summit County Courthouse, 208 E. Lincoln Ave, Breckenridge. County staff reviewed project progress and obtained BOCC direction on draft regulations.
Countywide Planning Commission Public Hearing: 5:30 p.m., Monday, Aug. 27, Buffalo Mountain Room, Summit County Commons, 37 Peak One Dr., Frisco. The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed STR regulations, head public testimony, and began developing a recommendation to be forwarded to the BOCC.
2nd Countywide Planning Commission Public Hearing: 5:30 p.m. Monday September 17, 2018, Frisco Adventure Park Day Lodge, 616 Recreation Way, Frisco. The Planning Commission heard additional public testimony, and provided a recommendation to be forwarded on to the Board of County Commissioners.
Task 3: October 2018 - April 2019
Adopt and implement STR regulations.
Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing: 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 23, Frisco Adventure Park Day Lodge, 616 Recreation Way, Frisco. At the October 23 meeting, the BOCC reviewed the draft STR regulations and suggested changes recommended by the Countywide Planning Commission, and heard public testimony. This meeting included a public hearing, during which members of the public were invited to provide comment. Meeting materials for the BOCC October 23rd meeting can be found here:
BOCC October 23 STR meeting materials can be found here starting with page 81.
Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing: 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 13, 2018 at the County Courthouse, 208 East Lincoln Ave. in Breckenridge. At the November 13 meeting, the County Commissioners will continue their review of the draft STR regulations and hear additional public testimony.
BOCC November 13 STR meeting materials can be found here starting with page 154.
Implementation Steps for STR Regulations and Permitting Process: November 2018 - April 2019
Adoption of Regulations
Mid-January 2019 - Begin receiving and reviewing STR permit applications.
March 31, 2019 - Deadline to submit County STR permit applications.
April 30, 2019 - Begin enforcement of County STR Regulations.